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Travel insurance

Travel insurance

Get several deeply researched insurance options in less than 24 hours:

> Options explained simply

> Enter travel date and destination. That’s it.

> Risk held letter issued in 48 hours.

> Product and insurer options sent in 24 hours.

> No personal information required for quotes.

Travel Insurance Advantage

Different Policy Types
Wide range of policies including student travel, senior citizen travel, and plans for specific countries.

Instant Policy
Compare quotes and get policy instantly online with minimal paperwork and documentation. Save both time & money.

Annual Multi-Trip Policy
An annual multi-trip policy can be taken for frequent travelers. Plan is cost effective and administratively easy to manage.

24x7 Assistance
Enjoy international travel assistance support for any kind of query, claim settlement and other relevant information pertaining to the policy.

Why Claims Get Rejected?

Intoxication & Drugs

> Claims against injury or accident caused under the effect of alcohol or drugs use will be subject to rejection.

Participation In Extreme Sports

> If the cause of injury or accident is because of participation in any extreme sport like skiing, mountain climbing etc., claims in such cases will not be entertained. You must check with your insurer about this at the time of taking the policy.

Involvement In Criminal Act

> Involvement in any kind of insidious act will cease the benefit of your travel insurance policy against emergency hospitalization for injury or accident etc.


What our Clients say?

Donec eget elit vitae tortor convallis mattis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer vitae quam ut leo accumsan consequat eu ac sapien. Quisque tincidunt leo enim, in pulvinar felis consectetur ac.

Quisque pharetra lorem quis libero ornare fringilla. Maecenas nisl justo, suscipit vel tortor at, varius auctor erat. Maecenas efficitur felis nec arcu volutpat lacinia.

Anthony Smith January 05, 2015

Proin et posuere dolor, a finibus tellus. Phasellus suscipit gravida magna. Nam posuere nisi eu ex sodales, sit amet dictum turpis maximus. Maecenas sodales vehicula tellus, at imperdiet risus.

Susane Doe October 12, 2014

Company informations

No 72/1, 2nd Floor,
8th Main Road, Vasanth Nagar,
Bangalore 560052.

Contact details

Sandeep R Gatti
(+91) 99005 07282

Kiran Kumar
(+91) 98455 53121

(+91) 99005 07282
(+91) 98455 53121
(+91) 96861 61319

Available 9:00am - 7:00pm

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